Fields: System Tasks

Displays the scheduled tasks that run in your Portfolio system. You cannot add or delete scheduled tasks except by adding or deleting Discovery search sources.

Scheduled Tasks > System Tasks

System tasks are created by Portfolio to handle certain processes outside of the Discovery data sources. These tasks cannot be scheduled anywhere but in the System Tasks page. For more information, see Understanding system tasks.


Displays the name of the scheduled task. The task name indicates the purpose of the task.


Indicates the current state of the task.

Last Run

Displays the time and date (in the time zone where the server is located) when the task finished its previously triggered job.

Next Run

Displays the next time and date (in the time zone where the server is located) when the task is scheduled to be triggered.

Management options

Lets you manage scheduled tasks by viewing the history of task activity, manually triggering a task, stopping a running task, suspending a schedule, and resuming a suspended schedule.

Option Description

Run Task

Runs the task. If another task is dependent on the current task running, the end of the current task will trigger the dependent task to run.

Interrupt Task

Stops the execution of the current task.

View History

Displays the messages from the task’s past activities.

Suspend Task Schedule

Stops the schedule for the current task from triggering the execution of the task.

Resume Task Schedule

Enables Portfolio to trigger the execution of the task at the next scheduled time.

Reschedule Task Trigger

Lets you schedule the interval between times when Portfolio runs the task. You can also set the task to trigger only manually or only one specific time.

Note: This option is currently available only for the system tasks.

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